Welcome to our photo galleries of tattoos with elephants. We have more than two hundred images of beautiful and elephant tattoos at your fingertips. Browse our pages looking at all the photos of tattoos we have. Our multimedia servers are updated very regularly.

Why get tattoos elephants?

Besides being majestic and attractive, elephant tattoos have a deeper meaning than we may believe. These animals are generally associated as symbols of good luck, as well as representing good fortune.

Elephant tattoos have become very popular and with them the African legend that says that elephants are as they are known thanks to the different mythical powers that they possess; being so famous animals that they are currently marketed.

For a long time, in places like Africa and Asia, these animals have been known by mythical stories and legends where it is explained that their large size is due to the power they have.

In fact, they are so popular animals in the world that poaching is currently being conducted and their teeth are traded, because they are considered an item of great value.

In addition to this, elephants are also very famous animals thanks to the fact that they have been known for their intelligence since ancient times.

They are characterized by their enormous size and longevity. Since it is an animal that can live for many years, up to 70. And it is the largest and heaviest land mammal on earth (about 5500 Kg approx).

Another characteristic element of these animals is their ability to do things, since on many occasions videos of these animals have been revealed using a tool or playing an instrument.

Finally, we can also highlight that they are associated with various kings, pharaohs, and all kinds of divinity. They were also used in wars as tanks, as well as being considered gods because of their benign divinity.

What do elephant tattoos mean?

In the world of tattoos, elephants symbolize various things like good luck (which is why it is a more common design than we think).

In other cultures, these tattoos symbolize divinity, majesty, and benevolence.

Elephant tattoos can also be considered as a symbol of loyalty, wisdom, strength, faithfulness, and longevity.

Also, according to the type of design used, the elephant can symbolize love, peace, kindness and sincerity.

On the other hand, in some cultures the elephant can symbolize fertility, as well as being related to creation in places like India. We can say that they are also a mark of Buddhism and represent patience, triumph and communication.

Types of elephant tattoos

Buddhist elephants

Buddhist style elephant tattoos are generally represented with the face of the same, it is very rare to find a tattoo of a whole elephant. When it comes to this style, the elephant is usually accompanied by mandalas on its face.

If the person does not want to add mandalas, these are also usually decorated with jewels on their face and rarely have colors. These designs are generally in black and white. This design symbolizes the peace, love and kindness that Buddha professed.

Good luck elephants

These designs can be found in different sizes, colors and decorated with any type of design inside the animal. What makes an elephant lucky is the shape of its trunk, which will always be up.

Realistic elephants

As the name implies, these designs are nothing more than the most realistic elephants possible. In these designs, the shadows and details that these animals have are played with to make them as real as possible.

Small elephants

These designs, in addition to being the ones that women have tattooed the most, they are made up of a simple elephant figure ideal to show off in discreet places such as the ankle, the wrist and even behind the ear.

As well as the small elephant tattoo designs, another quite popular design has been that of the silhouette of this animal. This idea has become a trend thanks to its subtlety, it can be given a certain personal touch, such as making a heart out of your head.

Indian elephant

In this culture this animal represents intelligence, obedience, fidelity or kindness. This is born thanks to a legend of this town which narrates the life of Ganesha.

Ganesha’s mother was ill and he did not allow anyone to come into her room to see her. When she did not allow her father to pass, this enraged cut off her head. Upon repentance, he ordered a servant to bring him the head of an animal.

This server brought him the head of an elephant and, according to that legend, when his father placed it on him, he was resurrected in his body with said head, so this design consists of an elephant with the body of a child adorned with jewels. .