Welcome to our gallery of images of impressive wrist tattoos. Enjoy thousands of free photos with tattoos at your fingertips. You just have to navigate between the pages of our gallery and see all the photos that you have time to see. Choose the ones you like the most and share them with your friends. Do not get carried away by the desire and think carefully which tattoo you are going to choose.

There are thousands of different designs and styles, which play with the colors depending on the model to be tattooed. Check before you are sure all the images you can of tattoos on the wrist. From our gallery you can browse the photos and click on the ones you like the most. Download them on any device with Internet access.

Ideas for choosing a tattoo on the wrist

When it comes to getting a tattoo, we always spend a lot of time trying to see what the design or idea is going to be. We focus a lot on that the image that we are going to stamp on our body truly represents us, and we forget a little about the place where we are going to capture the tattoo. When people think of a tattoo on the arm, very few do so thinking that it will be a tattoo on the wrist.

For many people this may be the least of it, but we think it is good to spend a couple of minutes making decisions to see where a tattoo would be better for us.

Having the place where it is going to be well visualized will help us make certain forecasts that have more to do with the dimensions that the tattoo can reach and the amount of detail it can have.

In this small article we are going to be talking about tattoos on the wrist in particular. And about how the wrist is the most opportune place on the body to have one of your first small tattoos.

And the truth is that it is not for less, since given its size it is the ideal area. But only if you don’t want to wear something too big or flashy on your skin.

Thinking well about the place can also save us a couple of headaches, literally, since you have to remember that the body has different levels of pain according to the area where you tattoo.

Certainly it is not the same to have a tattoo on the arms, than on the lower back and not to mention the sides, the chest, near the ribs, this is one of the areas where it is 100% guaranteed than performing a Tattooing will be a very painful and long experience.

Tattoos on the wrist are then presented as a fairly practical and simple solution, since if the design is not very complicated or with too many details, it may be that with a session of an hour and a half or two hours you are ready and with your new tattoo in your body.

Tattooing your wrists is in fashion

Far from what we might think, more and more men decide to get tattoos on their wrists.

You may already know this because you have noticed it around you, but the hands, especially the wrists, have become one of the favorite places that people have to get tattoos today.

The truth is that I cannot tell you if this is a simple fashion, or is it more a matter of style and aesthetics that is currently being handled, the truth is that they work. Since the tattoos on the wrist are quite easy to do, they do not require much time to finish them and they allow you to have in a more modest way that image that marks your individualism.

One of the images that are most often seen in tattoos on the wrist are birds. Which are quite cute and tender, in a way we are trying to say that our hands are our wings and that it is thanks to them that we will be able to take flight.

The message behind each tattoo is very personal but another reason why many people decide to place them on their wrists is because they are easy to see for themselves, this makes them a constant reminder of something very important. for the person.

Another of the things that most people usually do is tattoo phrases with which they feel strongly identified, and the wrist is one of the ideal places for this.

Without a doubt, these tattoos on the wrist are made to be displayed, that is the truth since this is not an area of ​​the human anatomy that can be easily hidden. Once you have one you may have to deal with the typical questions about why you decided to tattoo, among many others.

You also have to think carefully about what your job possibilities will be in the short and long term, since although today there is no taboo as big as there were some decades ago with tattoos, there are people who still can prejudices when seeing someone with one, and it would be quite regrettable if they were to deny you a job opportunity for this simple detail.

But in a certain way this can be a positive thing, since as it is a quite colorful place, this projects you quickly towards other people, giving them an idea of ​​who you are.